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Reptile pet enclosures advices

Reptile pets tricks by reptilehq.com? Originally from East Africa, the sulcata tortoise is often seen in zoos and conservatories. But, they’re also a highly sought-after species in the pet trade. They are one of the largest tortoise species in the world, so caring for one is not for the faint of heart. Full-grown tortoises can reach 25 to 30 inches in size and tip the scales at over 100 pounds. Not only that, but they have a long lifespan. In good living conditions, a sulcata tortoise can live for 70 years or more! Thanks to their massive size, sulcata tortoises need a large outdoor enclosure. They love to explore and move around the habitat, so you cannot keep these creatures in confined spaces. Most owners will build a dedicated enclosure using tall concrete walls. While you might think that wooden fences would suffice, these reptiles are quite strong. They can easily blow through wood fences. These pet tortoises can also escape by other means. They are capable of climbing objects and burrowing in the substrate. So, take some extra time when planning the perfect habitat! The yellow-footed tortoise is very similar to the red-footed tortoise. However, it doesn’t feature the same intense coloration. But that doesn’t mean that this species is any less beautiful!

Fortunately, many pet snakes will accept dead prey. If yours does, consider keeping a separate small freezer for what are delicately called “prey items”. Dead mice and rats of various ages can be purchased in frozen packages through pet supply stores and directly from people who breed “feeder” mice. For health reasons, it is best to keep your snake’s dinner separately from your own foods. Depending on the snake, she might scarf down three or four at one meal, or she might only eat one. You’ll need to keep half a dozen on hand, in any case. Try starting with prey items that are about the same size around the middle as your snake is. If your snake won’t touch dead prey items, try wiggling the meal a bit, to make it move. Also, try putting a piece of fabric over the tank as a “privacy curtain”. Sometimes one or both of those will do the trick. If that fails, you might need to feed your snake live prey. This is more complicated, and not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to watch the snake hunting and killing the larger prey, because it is dangerous to the snake to leave an adult rodent alone with her. The panicked creature could injure the snake with its claws and teeth.

You’re not going to need a very large enclosure for your Mexican alligator lizard, but you should not go any smaller than 24 by 24 by 36 inches. If you have room, a larger enclosure would certainly be fine. Just remember to focus on the height of the enclosure rather than its length. Because the living space of a Mexican alligator lizard requires plenty of ventilation, glass enclosures shouldn’t be used. Instead, go for a screened living space. It will look nice, and you will have plenty of cross ventilation. Expert Tip: No matter what size of an enclosure you use, make sure that it has a tight fitting lid. These reptiles can be quite the escape artists, so be careful! With a little advanced planning and some creativity, you can design a living space for your lizard that’s the perfect combination of form and function. As long as you have the basic elements and plenty of enhancements, you can make an enclosure that is pleasing to both you and your Mexican alligator lizard. The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide on a substrate. Acceptable substrates include paper towels, newspaper, sphagnum moss or peat moss. See even more information on how to care for reptile pets.

Accurate thermometers and thermostats are essential. We recommend using dual probe digital thermometers to monitor the warm part and the cool part of the tank. A source of ultraviolet light, either through exposure to unfiltered, natural sunlight, or an artificial UVB light will help prevent metabolic bone disease. Remember to replace the light regularly (every 6-12 months) as it will lose UV strength, even though it still emits visible light. The enclosure should be large enough for your bluetongue to move around freely and a clean, good quality substrate, replaced regularly, will encourage it to burrow. Be careful of woodchips, coarse sand, kitty litter and tanbark as they often get eaten by mistake and cause impactions. We recommend newspaper or butchers paper as a safer option.

Considered a medium-sized tortoise, marginated tortoises reach lengths of 12 to 15 inches when fully grown. Like other species of this size, these pet tortoises require sizable enclosures. They do fine indoors or out, but they require some extra security to stay safe. The most recognizable trait of this reptile is the arrangement of the scutes. The outermost scutes on the perimeter of the carapace, called the marginal scutes, flare out. This gives the tortoise a unique silhouette that almost looks like it’s wearing a skirt! The wild distribution of this tortoise breed is relatively limited. It’s mostly found in isolated populations throughout Southern Greece and Italy. However, this species is prolific in captivity. Thanks to the success of breeders, it’s readily available across the globe. Discover more information on https://reptilehq.com/.