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Smartest People of All Time and other interesting top 10’s

The internet is full of top 10’s for everything, helpful when searching for informations. One of the Most Famous Streets in the U.S. ? Wall Street in New York City has become synonymous with the financial marketplace of the United States. Notably, Wall Street is home to the New York Stock Exchange – which is the largest of its kind in the world. The actual area Wall Street is known for stretches .7 miles from Broadway to South Street and is also home to the American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ Stock Market and the New York Mercantile Exchange. For many Americans, Wall Street represents wealth, power, corruption and greed. A large number of people blame Wall Street leaders for the financial collapse and list it as a major cause of the current “Great Recession.”

One of the Highest Grossing Movies of All Time ? Doctor-ZhivagoThe 1965 romantic-drama film Doctor Zhivago was based on the 1957 Boris Pasternak novel of the same name. The initial book had to be smuggled out of the U.S.S.R. in order to be published as the government was not accepting of the work. The book itself was a New York Times best-seller for 26 weeks mostly due to it being seen as an anti-communist symbol. The film was nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won 5 for: Best Original Score, Best Costume Design, Best Cinematography, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Art Direction. Doctor Shivago was also awarded 5 Golden Globes.

One of the Longest Living Animals ? The Turritopsis nutricula is often referred to as the “immortal jellyfish.” Once this species has become sexually mature it is capable of reverting back to the polyp stage and essentially starting its life over. The jellyfish accomplishes this through cell transdifferentiation in which its cells can turn into other types of cells. For example, its muscles can change into eggs or sperm and life regeneration can begin again. Most Turritopsis die when they are eaten by other animals or if they get a disease while in the initial polyp stage. It is unclear how long one of these creatures lives as knowledge of their regenerative capabilities was not discovered until the 1990’s. Additionally, it is hard to monitor them in their natural habitat and the life rejuvenating process is very quick. This makes it nearly impossible to get an accurate estimate of their age. All top 10’s at UtopTens.

One of the Tallest Mountains in the World ? Nanga Parbat is the world’s ninth tallest mountain and stands at about 26,660 feet (8,126 meters) in height. Although the name is Urdu for “Naked Mountain”, for first half of the twentieth century it was known as “Killer Mountain”. It was called this because it used to be an incredibly dangerous climb to the top. Now however, it is less dangerous to climb, but still very difficult. This mountain is an immense and dramatic peak that rises above its surrounding area in Pakistan.