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Martial arts classes in Natomas

Let’s discuss about karate in Sacramento and martial art Karate: a martial art developed in Okinawa, Japan that stresses striking techniques, such as punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands (karate chop). In comparison to tae kwon do, karate tends to focus more on hand strikes, whereas tae kwon do emphasizes kicking techniques. The major traditional styles of karate are Shotokan, Shito Ryu, Goju Ryu, and Wado Ryu.

Karate or martial arts in general offers plenty of benefits to people, for an improved quality of life, better mental health, better self confidence, teaching teamwork and offering health benefits. In this post we will see why is good to practice martial arts and after that we will present you the best martial arts school in Sacramento. While the physical benefits and advantages of martial arts are a clear draw, the mental benefits can’t be discounted. Martial arts like taekwon-do are increasingly understood as a comprehensive approach to both physical and mental well-being. A scientific case report from the American Journal of Psychotherapy suggests that martial arts can be a form of mental therapy. The physical aspect of martial arts exercise can pair well with psychotherapy as a way to let out or discover suppressed feelings and emotions. Martial arts students tend to see significant cognitive and behavioral benefits. Numerous studies suggest that the practice improves assertiveness. A study from Singapore demonstrated that taking up martial arts improves symptoms of depression and anxiety in older adults over the course of a year.

Ask any real martial artist out there, and they will tell you that the greatest lessons they have learned in life are the lessons they learned during their training. Martial arts is a gift to humankind. It teaches us so many things about life and how things work, it’s no wonder why many people turn to martial arts to give them direction and purpose. Another amazing thing about martial arts is that it transcends what goes on inside the gym and applies to every aspect of our lives. Whether it is at the office, in the classroom, or in the safe confines of our own homes, martial arts has an enormous impact on an individual. Yes, the physical endeavor is rigorous and demanding, but it is equally important to recognize that on our journey, we are set to learn the true essence of our discipline. By the time we are skilled enough to call ourselves real martial artists, we will have been imbued with martial arts’ true values.

Tokon Martial Arts has a clear goal for anybody of our students: We train black belts and develop leaders. We are not the right program if you just look for an activity to fill up some free time. We are an educational training facility and not a daycare or casual activity center. We are not a belt factory and not a candy store either – and though our classes are fun, they are also fast paced, demanding and challenging. That’s why we demand commitment from both our students (yes even the young ones) but also you the adult (or the parent). Martial Arts training provides children many benefits dearly needed in today’s modern life: Staying Away from Negative Influences: Just saying ‘no’ to drugs and negative influences isn’t enough; it should be backed up with deeds if needed. Structure and Discipline: Classes are structured with a certain demand for physical and mental discipline. This will help children to learn about acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

High kicks, aggressive throws, and acrobatic evasions are an important part of more than a few martial art disciplines. To execute such moves will require a great amount of flexibility, so if you are not already flexible, participating in martial arts like Judo, MMA or Muay Thai will help to facilitate improvement in that area.

Sensei Christina Hinschberger is a 5th-degree black belt with the International KarateCoaching Federation and a 5th-degree black belt with the ISKF. She has been practicing Shotokan karate for over 30 years. She was part of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) national team representing the United States in various international tournaments. Sensei Christina has been teaching Shotokan karate since she was 16 years old. She teaches with energy and enthusiasm. Her passion is obvious, and you can see that as her students build their skills, character, and self-confidence. She is also a California Multiple Subject Credentialed teacher, Certified Personal Trainer through the National Association of Sports Medicine and a Certified Yoga Instructor through Yoga Alliance. Sensei Christina is the co-owner of Tokon Martial Arts in Natomas Sacramento where she teaches traditional Karate and Martial Arts. See more details at Best Karate school in Sacramento.

The only Martial Arts School in Natomas where Character development is first priority. You will receive world class Martial Arts and Karate instructions at Tokon Martial Arts in Sacramento. Our interest in our students is pedagogical vs. commercial. Students at Tokon Martial Arts learn to improve their focus, concentration, attention to details, confidence and self esteem. Our Martial Arts program teaches not only life skills and leadership skills but also virtues. The potential of what students will learn and can accomplish at Tokon Martial Arts is priceless.