
CP7 gas inspections tips

You also have responsibilities for your own health and safety at work. You can refuse to do something that isn’t safe without being threatened with disciplinary action. If you think your employer isn’t meeting their responsibilities, talk to them first. Your safety representative or a trade union official may be able to help you with this. As a last resort, you may need to report your employer to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland or to the environmental health department of your local authority.

Britons collectively used 1,233 ktoe (kilotonne of oil equivalent) of gas in their homes in 2017. 85% of us heat our homes with gas-powered boilers, which also heat water, and most of us it to cook meals: while just 30% of us have gas ovens, 61% have gas hobs. And while accidents are rare, they can be dangerous. Gas leaks can cause injuries, as well as explosions and fires which can destroy homes, cause serious injuries and claim lives.

The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) Code of Practice 7 (CP7): The Safe Use of Oxy-fuel Gas Equipment (Individual Portable or Mobile Cylinder Supply) and Code of Practice 47 (CP47) The Safe Use of Individual Portable or Mobile Cylinder Gas Supply Equipment provide guidance on maintenance and recommend, for example, that regulators and flashback arrestors are checked annually, both visually and functionally, by a competent person and replaced every five years. Read more info on https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/welding-equipment/cp7-cp47-gas-equipment-safety-inspections.html.

What happens during a service? The exact details of what will happen during your gas service will vary depending on the appliance or installation being serviced. However, as a rough guide, most services will include the following: Check that the appliance is in full working order. Check that the appliance is operating safely. Inspection of the condition of the main components. Check the gas pressure. Check for corrosion or leaks. Cleaning of parts if needed.