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Free comment software for WordPress

JointComments is a Disqus comment like system, a free comment plugin for WordPress and other CMS. Adding a comment system to your website has a lot benefits, and we will talk about them in this post.

Comments can be a great way to network or share information: There will always be the inevitable spam comments, I know. But most legitimate comments come with insights, information, and other resources I find genuinely helpful. People often link to related articles on their own blogs or from around the web. They may also offer helpful takes on certain topics or stories about what has worked for them in the past. Comments are a great way to discover new blogs or network with other influencers. When I talk about guest blogging, for example, I often suggest that people reach out to influencers by suggesting related topics.

You’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of allowing comments before you make that decision for your own blog. That’s why we decided to show you the actual data in this post, rather than giving you yet another subjective point of view. But before we dive into the data, let’s briefly discuss why you may want to disable your blog comments, and what some popular opinions are on the subject… The reasons why you may want to allow blog comments or not is summarized nicely in this post on Fizzle, where popular bloggers Pat Flynn and Everett Bogue debate the issue.

JointComments comments & what you will learn by the end of this post: JointComments offers a commenting service outside of its own website. Let me clarify what this post is going to be about. I will not be teaching you how to integrate JointComments comments. (To do that ShoutMeLoud already has a fantastic guide for BlogSpot and for WordPress you can use this easy plug and play plugin. What I will be talking about is why you should be using JointComments commenting system on your blog. And how you can design the comments and curate them to get maximum out of it. There are a few main reasons why JointComments comments are better than other systems like Disqus. Firstly you should know what are the main strong points and then you should optimize your site for it.

JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. Acquire traffic from other publishers. Reward your team members & writers. Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Platform Features: Manage multiple websites in one dashboard, Embed anywhere (websites, static pages, ecommerce), Invite your team members as moderators, Define upvote & comment limits, Customize the widget colors and widget position, See stats of your community. See more info on Comment software for WordPress.