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FB background? TimelineCovers.pro is the best to obtain the best Facebook Covers For your timeline. Find your Quality Facebook Cover Image among many type of categories. It’s full of perfect Facebook Covers. Visitors first impressions can either be positive or negative. You decide if you want more friends with a stunning picture or less with an unfriendly one! You don’t have to hassle with resizing a pic, either.

From bragging about how much weight you’ve lost to how your sports team just won to how you totally “killed it” on the slopes today, you’re basically that person the rest of us all roll our eyes at. You’re also the one who needs validation like it’s nobody’s business. How did you exist before Facebook? Awww! You and your BF are so cute! Aww! He brought you breakfast in bed and you’re announcing for the third time this week just “HOW LUCKY I AM” in all caps again? Well then…maybe some couple’s therapy will work better than this. You’re that person who just needs to tell everyone the ins and outs of your cheating partner or how your mucus plug looked when it dropped out right before you went into labor. You’re also that person who posts those long-ass statuses that go on and on and on about your stupid, boring, day. Ah! Get off Facebook and get a real live human friend, oversharer!

“Like” is a way to give positive feedback or to connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post to give them feedback or like a Page that you want to connect with on Facebook. When the Pew Research Center surveyed thousands of Americans about their social media lives, they discovered that 44% of Facebook users “like” content posted by their friends at least once a day, with 29% doing so several times per day. So what makes us like, or not like, a particular status, photo or page? Is there a method to liking? Here are some reasons why we like: It’s a quick and easy nod.

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For example, research presented last year at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) showed how the site offers a dangerous medium for social comparison. People in that study with lots of Facebook friends had lower self-esteem, feeling worse about their place in life and their achievements if they’d just viewed their friends’ status updates, compared with people who hadn’t recently surfed the site. But for people with just a few Facebook friends, viewing status updates wasn’t a problem. Another study, detailed in the Sept. 13 issue of the journal Nature, found such Facebook friends can influence real-life actions of one another. In that study, one “get out the vote” message sent to 61 million Facebook users on Election Day 2010 led to 340,000 people casting ballots when they otherwise would not have.

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