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Test analysis book

Test plan eBook? We’ve covered many different types of software testing in our recent guide to software testing, as well as in many individual posts (check out our testing archives here). Beyond knowing the ins and outs of software testing, it’s helpful to learn from those who have traveled the path before you to learn from their mistakes and leverage the tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way (and graciously decided to share with the development world). That’s why we rounded up this list of software testing tools.

Testers and flexible. Not necessarily two words you expect to see together in the same sentence, but in the QA world let’s face it… things don’t always go to plan. In fact, more often than not things don’t go to plan. Sometimes these things are out of our control and that’s just the way it is. What is stopping you from encouraging your team to try another approach? Trying different approaches may or may not work, but encouraging your team to be flexible and come up with other ideas may give you surprisingly good results.

Lucian Cania is an experienced international IT delivery and software test manager with a vast experience in test management. He founder Cania Consulting by leveraging a vast background in Transformation Programs executed across Europe in the areas of ERP, BI, Retail, Billing and Integration. As a young graduate I started looking for potential career opportunities and this eBook has shown me the beauty and complexity of the Test Manager profession from a theoretical standpoint. Explore more info at Test Management.

The ‘what if’ should become the leading question of the software research. On the other hand, if you had a bug in the accounting software that caused all of the data to become corrupted every 1,000th time the data was saved, that would have a huge impact but at a very low frequency. The reason I define software testing in this way is that — as any tester will tell you — you can never find all the bugs or defects in a piece of software and you can never test every possible input into the software (for any non-trivial application). Think outside of the box. More and more often we have to deal with assuring quality of various IoT developments. They require testers to become real users for some time and try the most unthinkable scenarios. What we recommend is to start thinking out of the box.

Isolation software testing trick for today : As you are developing and testing, team members need to make sure they are capturing everything more religiously than they might do if working in the office. For a tester, they could normally just show someone else (e.g. a developer) what happened on their screen, but when you are Teletesting, that is harder to. Use screen capture tools (like a free google extension – SpiraCapture) to capture what you are doing and then save the results into a tool like SpiraTest so that you have a record of what you just did. Similarly, make sure you document any changes or questions about requirements as a comment in the requirement. If you are not sure what the requirement means, add a question as the comment. If you are worried you will forget to clarify, just add a task to the requirement so that it is not forgotten. Teams should err on the side of adding tasks as well as comments to make sure things are not lost. Also as mentioned in item 3. if you need to get clarity on something, it’s fine to use IM tools, but make sure the results from that discussion make it into the tool being used for the source of truth. Find a few extra info on cania-consulting.com.